Startseite » Fried egg with spring onion (香葱炒鸡蛋)

Fried egg with spring onion (香葱炒鸡蛋)

This dish is often served as breakfast or toppings of noodle. Served with bread and a cup of orange juice it will be a perfect breakfast.

Ingredients For 2 Portions

  • Egg x3

  • Green onion x 1/4

  • Rice vinegar x1 tea spoon

  • Water x1 tea spoon

  • Salt x 1/4 tea spoon

  • Oil for frying x 2 table sppon

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  • Prepare the ingridients
  • Cut the green onion into slices, put them into the eggs with salt, water and vinegar. Stir the mixture well
  • Put oil into the pan and hit the pan until the oil start to smoke.
  • Stir the eggs from time to time (Not too often, otherwise the eggs will be mashed into small pieces). Fry until the eggs become golden.
  • Serve with bread and a cup of orange juice. A perfect breakfast.


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